Categories: Imigration

Refugees in Belgium in 2025: The Path to Protection and a New Life

Belgium is one of Europe’s key refugee centres, providing humanitarian aid and integration opportunities for those forced to flee their homeland due to danger. The country offers not only legal protection, but also access to education, healthcare and the labour market. At the same time, the large influx of refugees creates problems with housing and social adaptation. However, Belgium continues to develop support programmes to help people start a new life in a safe environment.

Who can obtain refugee status?

Obtaining refugee status in Belgium is for those who face threats to their life and safety in their country. Belgium accepts people whose rights and freedoms are threatened by war, persecution for political, religious or other reasons. This status provides protection and the right to reside in the country, as well as access to social benefits such as health care and work.

Requirements for obtaining refugee status:

  • Danger in the country of origin. The applicant must prove that he/she is in serious danger in his/her country (war, persecution, threat to life).
  • A person may become a refugee if they are persecuted for reasons of race, religion, political opinion, nationality or membership in a social group.
  • Lack of alternative protection. It is important to show that no other country can offer alternative protection.
  • Compliance with the law. Applicants must not have been convicted of serious criminal offences or pose a threat to national security.

The process of obtaining refugee status requires not only proof of a threat in the country of origin, but also confirmation that the person is in genuine need of international protection. Belgium provides this assistance, seeking to ensure the safety and support of those in dire need. In order to successfully submit an application, it is important to carefully prepare all the necessary documents and evidence.


Consult with a lawyer who specializes in immigration law to improve your chances of a positive decision.

Types of refugees according to Belgian law

In Belgium, refugees can receive several types of international protection, each of which has its own characteristics and registration procedures. Let’s look at them in more detail:

  • Refugee status Status). This status is granted to people who have left their country because of a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion. It is based on the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and provides protection from expulsion and the right to reside in Belgium.
  • Subsidiary Protection. This status is granted to people who do not meet the definition of a refugee but would be at serious risk of harm if they returned to their country of origin. This includes cases involving threats to life or freedom, such as in armed conflict. Subsidiary protection provides the right to residency and certain social services, but does not always provide all the rights that refugees have.
  • Temporary Protection. This form of protection is activated in the event of a massive influx of refugees. For example, in response to the war in Ukraine, Belgium granted temporary protection to Ukrainian citizens, allowing them to remain in the country for the duration of the conflict. This measure provides refugees with access to housing, health care, and education, but is temporary and can be extended depending on the situation.

To obtain refugee status in Belgium, you must submit an application to the Immigration Service (Office des Étrangers) within eight days of arrival. The application can be submitted either at the border or in specialized centers. Applicants must provide documents confirming their identity and the grounds for receiving protection and asylum.

It is important to remember that the process of obtaining status may take time, so it is recommended to immediately seek legal assistance to optimize the procedure. For more detailed information on the procedures and necessary documents, you can contact the migration services website or local municipalities.

Registration procedure

Obtaining refugee status in Belgium is a complex process that requires following certain procedures and submitting the necessary documents. This status provides protection for people who are at risk in their home countries and gives them the right to residency and social assistance. To begin the process, it is important to prepare the documents in advance and submit the application correctly to the relevant authorities.

The procedure for obtaining refugee status and asylum:

  1. Contacting the Office for Foreigners:
  • The first step is to submit an application to the *Office des Étrangers * (Office for Foreigners), where your application will be checked to see if it can be processed.
  • Address: Pachecolaan 44, 1000 Brussels.
  • Phone: +32 2 793 80 00.
  • Website:
  1. Transfer of the case to the General Commissioner for Refugees and Stateless Persons (CGVS/CGRA). After submitting your application to the Directorate, the case is transferred to an independent organization, the CGVS/CGRA, where an interview is conducted. This commission makes a decision on your case.
  2. Documents required for application:
  • Foreign passport or any document confirming identity.
  • Documents confirming the danger in your country (certificates, photographs, reports).
  • Evidence of persecution for political or religious reasons.
  • Medical certificates (if necessary).
  • Documents confirming family relations, if you are applying together with your family.
  1. Appeal in case of refusal. If your application is rejected, you have the right to appeal to the “Board for the Examination of Aliens’ Disputes (RvV /CCE)”.

The procedure for obtaining refugee status in Belgium requires careful completion of all stages and provision of all necessary documents. It is important to remember that the process can take a considerable amount of time, and compliance with all requirements will help speed it up. Do not neglect the possibility of appeal in case of refusal.


It is recommended that you seek the assistance of lawyers or organizations specializing in refugee law to increase your chances of having your application successfully processed.

Rights and responsibilities of refugees

Refugees in Belgium have a number of rights and obligations aimed at their protection and integration into society. Refugee status gives access to social services, healthcare and education, but also imposes responsibility for compliance with the country’s laws. Understanding their rights and obligations helps refugees to adapt effectively and avoid possible legal problems. In this section, we will look at the main rights and obligations of migrants, which are regulated by Belgian law.

Refugee Rights:

  • Right of residence. Once you have been granted refugee status, you have the right to temporary or permanent residence in Belgium. The Act of 15 December 1980 on foreigners (loi on December 15, 1980 l’accès au territory, the sleep, tablishment et the loneliness des (emergers).
  • Right to health care. Refugees have access to the health care system, including basic health care and specialized treatment. The Law on Access to Health Care for All, Regardless of Status (décret de la santé publique).
  • Right to education. Refugees and their children can receive education in Belgium on an equal basis with citizens. The Decree on Compulsory Education of 29 June 1983 (Décret du 29 juin 1983 relatif à l’enseignement obligatory).
  • Right to work. Once they have received refugee status or temporary protection, they can work legally without an additional work permit. The Law on Employment and Social Integration of Refugees (arrêté royal related to the truth au march du travel pour les demandeurs asile et les réfugiés).

Responsibilities of refugees:

  • Respect for the law: Refugees are required to respect all Belgian laws, including the criminal and civil codes.
  • Tax obligations. Refugees are required to pay taxes and contributions on an equal basis with citizens if they are officially employed.
  • Integration into society. Migrants are required to attend integration courses, including learning one of Belgium’s official languages (French, Dutch or German). The Integration Decree of 4 April 2014 (décret related to integration des personnes (translators).

The rights and obligations of refugees in Belgium are regulated by various laws that help them integrate successfully into society. Understanding these rights and obligations plays an important role in adapting to a new life and complying with the country’s legal regulations. For those who want to fully participate in Belgian life, it is important to actively use the opportunities provided for integration and development.


Participate in integration programs and language courses to adapt faster and integrate successfully into society.

Social support

Belgium provides significant social support for refugees to help them adapt to life in their new country. Once granted temporary protection or refugee status, people can count on various forms of assistance, including financial support, access to health care, and educational programs. Government agencies and non-profit organizations work hard to help refugees integrate into Belgian society and meet their basic needs.

Forms of social support:

  • Financial assistance. Refugees can receive cash benefits, the amount of which depends on the composition of the family. 1,100 euros per person living alone. At least 750 euros for each member of the migrant family. For each child from 100 to 200 euros. To receive the benefit, you must contact the social security center (OCMW/CPAS) with your passport and temporary protection documents.
  • Healthcare: Refugees with a Type A card or Annex 15 can receive free health care. This includes emergency services and routine treatment.
  • Education and integration: Refugee children have the right to attend Belgian schools, and adults can attend language courses and vocational training.
  • Psychological support. Access to psychological support services is provided to facilitate the adaptation process and reduce stress associated with the move.
  • Housing support: Refugees can seek help in finding housing, either temporary or permanent, by contacting local government or non-profit organizations that deal with housing issues.

Social support in Belgium aims to ensure the well-being of refugees and their successful integration into society. Refugees should actively use the resources available and seek help when needed. It is advisable to always stay up-to-date with current information and to keep in touch with local organisations to make the most of the opportunities available.

Integration of refugees into the labour market

The integration of refugees into the Belgian labour market is an important aspect of their adaptation to a new country. Successful integration requires not only obtaining refugee status or subsidiary protection, but also the ability to work, which helps ensure financial independence and restore normal life. The Belgian government and various organizations offer many programs and resources to support refugees in their job search.

Assistance to refugees in finding employment:

  • Federal Employment Service (ONEM). Provides information on available vacancies, employment and training opportunities. Website: Phone: 0800 30 300.
  • Job centres (ACTIRIS). Specialised centres in Brussels offering advice and support in finding a job. Address: 11 Boulevard de l’Impératrice, 1000 Brussels. Website: https:// www. actiris. brussels. Telephone: 02 549 60 00.
  • Social integration funds. Provide individual assistance to refugees in preparing resumes and interviews. Websites of the funds:,
  • Educational institutions. Offer language courses and advanced training programs, which can significantly increase your chances of employment. Website:

Integration into the labour market is a key step for refugees to become full members of society. Proper use of available resources and programs will help them successfully adapt and establish a new life in Belgium. Do not hesitate to seek help and information from specialized organizations that are ready to support you along the way.


Start your job search immediately after receiving your status to make the most of the opportunities available.

Features for refugees from Ukraine

Refugees from Ukraine have received special conditions and support in Belgium, which is related to the current situation in the country. As a result of Russian aggression in Ukraine, Belgium, like other EU countries, is actively providing temporary protection to Ukrainians, allowing them to legally reside and work in the country. This creates favorable conditions for integration and social support, which is especially important in the context of mass displacement of the population.

Special programs and benefits for refugees from Ukraine:

  • Temporary protection. Ukrainians can receive temporary protection for up to one year with the possibility of extension. This protection provides access to social services, health care and education for children.
  • Financial support. Refugees can receive financial benefits that vary depending on the composition of the family. For example, €1,100 is paid for a person living alone, while family members receive a minimum of €750.
  • Legal employment. Ukrainians with temporary protection can legally work in Belgium, which allows them to adapt faster and become economically independent.
  • Education and language programmes: Refugee children have the right to study in Belgian schools, and French and Dutch language courses are also available for adults.

Support for refugees from Ukraine in Belgium plays a key role in their integration and adaptation. Government agencies and public organizations are actively working to provide them with all the necessary resources for a successful life in a new country. It is important to take advantage of the opportunities and resources provided to improve their situation.


It is recommended that you contact your local social services as soon as possible to find out about all the opportunities and support available.

Frequently asked questions

How can I apply for refugee status in Belgium?

An application for refugee status can be submitted to the Immigration Service (Office des Étrangers) within eight days of arrival in the country. This can be done at the border or in specialized centers. To submit an application, you must have documents confirming your identity and the grounds for obtaining the status.

What are the rights of refugees in Belgium?

Refugees in Belgium have the right to protection from refoulement, access to health care, social services and education. They can also work legally and benefit from certain social support programs.

What help can refugee children receive?

Refugee children have the right to education in Belgian schools, health care and psychological assistance. Language courses are also available to improve their integration into society.

What programs exist for refugees from Ukraine?

Refugees from Ukraine can receive temporary protection, which gives them the right to reside, work, and access to financial assistance and social services. Temporary protection in Belgium has been extended until 2025.

How can refugees integrate into the Belgian labour market?

They can contact local job centres (such as ACTIRIS in Brussels) for advice, job search and access to further training courses. Language courses are also available to improve their employability.

How long does the process of obtaining refugee status take?

It can take from a few months to a few years depending on the circumstances. It is important to keep in touch with the Immigration Service and provide all the necessary documents.

The answers provide a general overview of questions frequently asked by refugees in Belgium. For more detailed information, please refer to the official websites or local migration services.


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