List of charitable organizations in Belgium helping refugees

2 years ago

During a forced move to a European country, refugees can count on state assistance. However, in addition to this, there…

Accommodation in a foster family in Belgium, features of the refugee program

2 years ago

Moving to another country as a refugee is a complex procedure. However, it is even more difficult if minor children…

How is vocational training in Belgium for refugees

2 years ago

Immigration is a difficult process when you need to adapt to new living conditions. The basic condition for a normal…

How is the integration of refugees in Belgium, an overview of programs

2 years ago

One of the main problems for refugees and immigrants is integration into a new social society. This is expressed in…

Overview of schools in Belgium for refugees, conditions for admission and study

2 years ago

Primary and secondary education is compulsory for all children in Belgium. This is provided for by the country's legislation and…

Accommodation options in Belgium for refugees and immigrants

2 years ago

One of the main problems for refugees and immigrants is finding housing. Depending on the composition of the family, the…

Health insurance in Belgium for refugees, how to get

2 years ago

Life and health insurance is a prerequisite for living in Belgium for refugees. You can order a policy only after…

OCMW/CPAS – real help for refugees in Belgium, where to go

2 years ago

Many organizations have been set up to help refugees from non-EU countries. In Belgium, this is done by OCMW/CPAS –…

How to get asylum in Belgium, social assistance, family accommodation, benefits

2 years ago

Belgium, like other EU countries, provides asylum to refugees. However, the procedure for obtaining the status differs from the standard…

Benefit in Belgium for Ukrainians and refugees from other countries

2 years ago

Belgian law provides for material assistance to refugees from Ukraine and other non-EU countries. The amount of the benefit depends…

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